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Birdhouse Map

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The well-being of birds is an important part of the ecosystem and the overall well-being of nature. As old forests decrease, there are fewer nesting cavities for birds. This is why we organize birdhouse building workshops for our customers, where we go together to hang the self-made birdhouses in the forest.

You can find the birdhouses hung on our trips on the accompanying map. The map shows the location of the birdhouse, its photograph, and updated information about the nesting and other events related to the birdhouse. With the help of the map, you can follow the significance of your birdhouse for the birds and the biodiversity of the forest for years to come.

Our birdhouse building workshops are part of our regenerative tourism concept, where the traveler has the opportunity to leave nature in better condition than it was before their visit. We hope that this birdhouse workshop will serve as an encouraging example of positive nature actions and inspire others to act respectfully towards nature and support biodiversity.

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